Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson 93: I am the Circle Master

What a wonderful weekend. The weather is finally starting to come around from what we were experiencing for weeks. After tacking up and getting on the horses in the arena, we were told that we're (get ready for it!!!!) riding outdoors today!!! WOOOHOOO!! Sheri had just harrowed the outdoor arena and we strolled out into the sunny morning. What an amazing feeling to have the sun on your face while you ride. This also meant though, that the horses would be quicker than usual and on super alert. Ha ha ha, a small part of me wanted to turn around and head back into the safe arena. This meant that we had to be on guard at all times because animals running around and popping out of nowhere was entirely a possibility. No canter today so we could give them a good experience outside and readjust ourselves too.

It was certainly a readjustment! I had to keep Ariel in check more frequently with what I wanted her to do. She certainly was distracted at times with the other horses in the paddocks or the flat-bed truck that was delivering 4 huge round bales of hay into her paddock... That said though, we worked on lots and lots of circles today, at the trot. My aim? Get her head down into a relaxed frame while keeping pace and straight (who knew keeping straight would be so much effort). It was literally coming and going but I would be able to get her head into a good place and then it would float back up, in some form of protest "what are you doing up there?!"

That said though, there were things that I needed to keep track of... things that Sheri said were making her a nag:
  • close those hands!
  • keep the upper body straight and beware of forward leaning
  • my hands are the 'wall' that Ariel would hit if she tried to take the bit and tug downwards
  • more inside leg!
This means that I have to remember to amp up my cross training even more. Time to get cardio in there and do those sun salutations and hip opening exercises during those "non-yoga days". 

Posting Diagonal Jar Tally = 2 x $2.00 = $4.00
To date = $175.00

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